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The information on this website contains a list of licensed plumbers registered in Jemena's system. It is not a comprehensive list of all plumbers in NSW. While we use reasonable efforts to ensure the list is kept current, we recommend that you do your own due diligence to confirm that a plumber is licensed and qualified to undertake plumbing or gas fitting works for you. You can find this additional information via the Service NSW website.
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The information on this website contains a list of licensed plumbers registered in Jemena's system. It is not a comprehensive list of all plumbers in NSW. While we use reasonable efforts to ensure the list is kept current, we recommend that you do your own due diligence to confirm that a plumber is licensed and qualified to undertake plumbing or gas fitting works for you. You can find this additional information via the Service NSW website.

To confirm if gas can be easily connected to your home at no cost, or to understand if there might be a cost involved, please check your house number and street address via the Jemena 'Can I Get Gas?' Tool.